
The varying fortunes of three UK regional airports post COVID; part three: Teesside + Observations

As the COVID-19 pandemic fades in the memory (it is still very active though), and the post-pandemic ‘revenge travel’ boom peaks with warnings that it can’t be sustained, this report looks at three regional UK airports and the diverse circumstances in which they are currently working.

Teesside Airport has always found the going difficult, sandwiched between other, larger airports, in a post-industrial region that hasn’t adapted as well as others to new industries, and abandoned by private sector owners.

But it has just made its first profit in a long time, it has consolidated a business park, and has the infrastructure in place on which airlines can make new route and expansion decisions.

Part one of this three-part report set the scene and explored London City Airport, while part two looked at Leeds Bradford Airport. Here, in part three, we consider Teesside Airport and make some observations.

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