European airspace had a very poor summer in accommodating the demand for flights, according to data from Eurocontrol.
Total Air Traffic Flow Management delays in the three months Jun-2024 to Aug-2024 were up by 44% compared with the equivalent period of 2019, and by 48% year-on-year. This was in spite of traffic volume 2.6% below 2019 levels, and only 4.8% more than the same three months of last year 2023.
Eurocontrol has estimated the cost of delays in the three peak summer months of 2024 at up to EUR1.8 billion. The situation has been exacerbated by poor planning and staffing issues, and geopolitical and labour factors are also key challenges.
Meanwhile, the long-hoped-for ‘Single European Sky’ – which would make air traffic management more integrated and more efficient – continues to make only slow progress.